The below charts provide a breakdown for each survey question on the ServiceNow Salary Influence Survey 2020. Each chart indicates the percentage of the responding population that selected a particular response for the given question. Some questions were omitted from this summary due to the risk of revealing identifying information. Questions omitted from this summary were still used in the analysis of the data to produce the final results.


  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Disability Status
  5. In what geographic location are you employed? [US State]
  6. In what geographic location are you employed? [India Province]
  7. In what geographic location are you employed? [Country]
  8. In what geographic location are you employed? [Continent]
  9. In what geographic location are you employed? [Bureau of Economic Analysis Region]
  10. Are you a military veteran?
  11. Do you identify with the gender majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  12. Do you identify with the ethnic majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  13. Do you identify with the cultural majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  14. Do you identify with the socioeconomic majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  15. Do you identify with the religious majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  16. Is your first language the preferred language of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?
  17. What is the highest level of education that you completed?
  18. If you attended college, what was your field of study?
  19. Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [Total Professional Experience]
  20. Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [In the IT Field]
  21. Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [Working with the ServiceNow Platform]
  22. Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [With your current employer]
  23. Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [In your current role]
  24. How many different employers have you worked for in your career?
  25. Please select any ServiceNow certifications that you currently possess
  26. Please select any ServiceNow micro-certifications that you currently possess
  27. Please select any Professional certifications that you currently possess
  28. Survey Responses by Total Number of Certifications
  29. Survey Responses by Total Number of Mainline Certifications
  30. Survey Responses by Total Number of Micro-Certifications
  31. Survey Responses by Total Number of CIS Certifications
  32. What is your current employment status?
  33. Which of the following best describes your current job role?
  34. Which of the following best describes your job level?
  35. What percent of the time do you typically spend working remotely (before the COVID-19 Pandemic)?
  36. How many hours do you work in a typical work day?
  37. For each of the following skills, please select the highest frequency at which you typically use the skill on the job.
  38. For each of the following ServiceNow products, please indicate the highest frequency with which you perform work related to the product in your current role.
  39. Please rate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
  40. Please rate the degree to which you are satisfied with the following
  41. Are you currently paid Salary or Hourly?


Survey Responses by Age
Response Percent of Respondents
18-24 5.22%
25-34 60.00%
35-44 24.35%
45-54 9.57%
55+ 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 0.43%


Survey Responses by Gender
Response Percent of Respondents
Male 79.57%
Female 17.39%
Prefer not to disclose 2.61%
Non-binary 0.43%


Survey Responses by Ethnicity
Response Percent of Respondents
Asian 47.39%
White / Caucasian 40.87%
Hispanic or Latino 3.91%
Black, African or Caribbean 3.04%
Prefer not to disclose 2.61%
Arab 0.87%
Native American 0.87%
Mixed / multiple ethnic groups 0.43%

Disability Status

Survey Responses by Disability Status
Response Percent of Respondents
No, I do not I have a disability 94.35%
Yes, I have a disability (or previously had a disability) 3.04%
Prefer not to disclose 2.61%

In what geographic location are you employed? [State]

This question pertains to US based responses only.

Survey Responses by State
Response Percent of Respondents
TX 10.87%
NC 8.70%
CA 7.61%
OH 7.61%
Prefer not to disclose 5.43%
MN 4.35%
TN 4.35%
FL 4.35%
PA 4.35%
MA 4.35%
GA 3.26%
AL 3.26%
CO 3.26%
DC 3.26%
LA 2.17%
MO 2.17%
UT 2.17%
AZ 2.17%
CT 2.17%
ME 2.17%
MS 1.09%
AR 1.09%
WA 1.09%
WI 1.09%
IL 1.09%
OK 1.09%
MD 1.09%
OR 1.09%
NJ 1.09%
IN 1.09%
MI 1.09%

In what geographic location are you employed? [India Province]

This question pertains to India based responses only.

Survey Responses by Province (India)
Response Percent of Respondents
Karnataka 28.89%
Maharashtra 23.33%
Uttar Pradesh 15.56%
Telangana 10.00%
Haryana 8.89%
Tamilnadu 5.56%
Delhi 3.33%
Prefer not to disclose 2.22%
Andhra Pradesh 1.11%
Punjab 1.11%

In what geographic location are you employed? [Country]

Survey Responses by Country
Response Percent of Respondents
United States 40.00%
India 39.13%
Canada 4.35%
United Kingdom 3.48%
Australia 2.61%
Brazil 1.74%
Prefer not to disclose 0.87%
Germany 0.87%
Belgium 0.87%
Switzerland 0.87%
Bulgaria 0.87%
Sweden 0.87%
Poland 0.87%
Costa Rica 0.43%
Netherlands 0.43%
Ukraine 0.43%
Italy 0.43%
Spain 0.43%
Philippines 0.43%

In what geographic location are you employed? [Continent]

The results of this question were inferred from responses to In which geographic location are you employed [Country].

Survey Responses by Continent
Response Percent of Respondents
North America 44.35%
Asia 39.57%
Europe 11.30%
Australia 2.61%
South America 2.17%

In what geographic location are you employed? [Bureau of Economic Analysis Region]

The results of this question were inferred from responses to In which geographic location are you employed [State]. This question pertains to US based responses only.

Survey Responses by Bureau of Economic Analysis Region
Response Percent of Respondents
Southeast 28.26%
Southwest 14.13%
Great Lakes 11.96%
Far West 9.78%
Mideast 9.78%
New England 8.70%
Plains 6.52%
Rocky Mountain 5.43%
Prefer not to disclose 5.43%

Are you a military veteran?

Survey Responses by Veteran Status
Response Percent of Respondents
No 93.91%
Yes 4.78%
Prefer not to disclose 1.30%

Do you identify with the gender majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Identifying with Team's Gender Majority
Response Percent of Respondents
Yes 59.13%
No 26.96%
Not Sure 10.00%
Prefer not to disclose 3.91%

Do you identify with the ethnic majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Identifying with Team's Ethnic Majority
Response Percent of Respondents
Yes 54.35%
No 31.74%
Not Sure 10.87%
Prefer not to disclose 3.04%

Do you identify with the cultural majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Identifying with Team's Cultural Majority
Response Percent of Respondents
Yes 53.04%
No 26.52%
Not Sure 15.65%
Prefer not to disclose 4.78%

Do you identify with the socioeconomic majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Identifying with Team's Socioeconomic Majority
Response Percent of Respondents
Yes 44.78%
No 25.65%
Not Sure 25.22%
Prefer not to disclose 4.35%

Do you identify with the religious majority of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Identifying with Team's Religious Majority
Response Percent of Respondents
No 38.26%
Not Sure 32.17%
Yes 23.91%
Prefer not to disclose 5.65%

Is your first language the preferred language of the team(s) with whom you most closely work?

Survey Responses by Respondent's First Language matching the Preferred Language of the Team
Response Percent of Respondents
Yes 63.04%
No 32.17%
Not Sure 2.61%
Prefer not to disclose 2.17%

What is the highest level of education that you completed?

Survey Responses by Highest Level of Education
Response Percent of Respondents
1 - High School Diploma, GCSEs or equivalent 3.48%
2 - Some College 7.83%
3 - Trade or Vocational Degree or Certificate or equivalent 0.87%
4 - Associates Degree or Certificate or equivalent 4.35%
5 - Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent 56.52%
6 - Master’s Degree or equivalent 25.65%
Prefer not to disclose 1.30%

If you attended college, what was your field of study?

Survey Responses by Highest Level of Education
Response Percent of Respondents
Computer Science 27.83%
Information Technology 23.48%
Engineering 12.61%
Electrical Engineering 7.83%
Business Administration 5.65%
Science 3.04%
Prefer not to disclose 2.61%
Did not attend college 2.17%
Economics 1.30%
Software Engineering 1.30%
Electronics and Communication 0.87%
Mechanical Engineering 0.87%
Political Science 0.87%
Religious Studies 0.43%
Music 0.43%
Anthropology 0.43%
Fine Arts 0.43%
Nursing 0.43%
History 0.43%
Electronics and Communication Engineering 0.43%
Industrial / Systems Engineering 0.43%
Multimedia and Web Design 0.43%
Sociology/Anthropology 0.43%
Non-science major 0.43%
Philosophy 0.43%
English Literature 0.43%
Communications 0.43%
Arts 0.43%
Psychology 0.43%
Interdisciplinary 0.43%
Electronics 0.43%
Liberal Arts 0.43%
Mathematics 0.43%
Accounting 0.43%
Interactive Entertainment 0.43%

Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [Total Professional Experience]

Survey Responses by Total Years of Professional Experience
Response Percent of Respondents
1 1.74%
2 2.17%
3 5.65%
4 8.70%
5 9.13%
6 9.57%
7 4.35%
8 6.96%
9 4.35%
10 6.09%
11 2.61%
12 4.35%
13 2.61%
14 0.87%
15 4.78%
16 3.04%
17 2.17%
18 0.87%
19 0.43%
20 6.52%
21 1.74%
22 1.74%
23 2.17%
24 1.30%
26 0.43%
27 0.43%
28 0.43%
30 1.30%
32 0.43%
35 0.87%
37 0.43%
42 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 1.30%

Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [In the IT Field]

Survey Responses by Total Years of IT Experience
Response Percent of Respondents
0 0.43%
1 1.74%
2 2.17%
3 8.70%
4 9.13%
5 11.74%
6 8.26%
7 3.04%
8 6.09%
9 5.22%
10 10.43%
11 1.74%
12 2.61%
13 2.61%
14 0.87%
15 3.91%
16 1.74%
17 1.74%
18 1.30%
20 4.35%
21 1.74%
22 1.30%
23 1.30%
24 1.30%
25 1.74%
27 0.43%
30 0.87%
42 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 3.04%

Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [Working with the ServiceNow Platform]

Survey Responses by Total Years of ServiceNow Experience
Response Percent of Respondents
0 0.43%
1 4.35%
2 8.70%
3 17.83%
4 15.65%
5 15.22%
6 13.04%
7 9.13%
8 7.39%
9 1.74%
10 2.61%
11 1.30%
13 0.43%
16 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 1.74%

Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [With your current employer]

Survey Responses by Total Years of Experience with Current Employer
Response Percent of Respondents
0 4.35%
1 34.78%
2 19.13%
3 14.35%
4 8.26%
5 3.48%
6 3.48%
7 1.30%
8 0.87%
9 0.87%
10 1.30%
11 0.87%
12 0.43%
13 0.87%
16 0.87%
20 0.43%
21 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 3.91%

Please indicate the total years of experience you have in the following areas [In your current role]

Survey Responses by Total Years of Experience in Current Role
Response Percent of Respondents
0 4.78%
1 30.43%
2 29.57%
3 14.35%
4 7.39%
5 5.22%
6 1.74%
7 0.87%
8 0.87%
10 0.43%
11 0.43%
15 0.43%
31 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 3.04%

How many different employers have you worked for in your career?

Survey Responses by Number of Employers Worked For
Response Percent of Respondents
0 0.43%
1 11.30%
2 22.17%
3 18.26%
4 14.78%
5 10.87%
6 6.09%
7 4.78%
8 3.48%
10 2.17%
11 0.43%
17 0.43%
20 0.87%
27 0.43%
38 0.43%
40 0.43%
50 0.43%
100 0.43%
300 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 1.30%

Please select any ServiceNow certifications that you currently possess

The following summarizes each ServiceNow Mainline Certificaiton and the percentage of respondents who indicated that they have the certification.

Percent of Survey Respondents that Have Mainline Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
Certified System Administrator 87.83%
CIS - ITSM 38.26%
Certified Application Developer 28.70%
CIS - Discovery 13.04%
CIS - Human Resources 10.43%
CIS - Customer Service Management 10.00%
CIS - Event Management 10.00%
CIS - Project Portfolio Management 7.39%
CIS - Application Portfolio Management 4.78%
CIS - Service Mapping 4.78%
CIS - Software Asset Management 4.35%
CIS - Vulnerability Response 3.04%
CAS - Performance Analytics 2.61%
CIS - Security Incident Response 2.61%
CIS - Risk and Compliance 1.74%
Certified Master Architect 1.30%
CIS - Cloud Management 1.30%
CIS - Field Service Management 0.87%
CIS - Vendor Risk Management 0.43%

Please select any ServiceNow micro-certifications that you currently possess

The following summarizes each ServiceNow Micro-Certificaiton and the percentage of respondents who indicated that they have the certification.

Percent of Survey Respondents that Have Micro-Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
Virtual Agent 44.78%
Performance Analytics 39.57%
Flow Designer 38.70%
Automated Test Framework 33.48%
Predictive Intelligence 30.43%
Integration Hub 29.13%
HR Integrations 25.22%
Service Portal 25.22%
Agile Development and Test Management 23.91%
Application Portfolio Management 21.74%
Configure the CMDB 20.43%
Enterprise Onboarding and Transitions 20.00%
CMDB Health 17.83%
Asset Model Management 17.39%
CSM with Service Management for Implementers 9.13%

Please select any Professional certifications that you currently possess

The following summarizes each Professional Certificaiton and the percentage of respondents who indicated that they have the certification.

Percent of Survey Respondents that Have Professional Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
ITIL Foundation 19.57%
ITIL Above Foundation 2.17%
Professional Scrum Master 2.17%
Certified Scrum Master 2.17%
Six-Sigma 1.30%
PMP 1.30%

Survey Responses by Total Number of Certifications

The results of this question were inferred from responses to:

Survey Responses by Total Number of Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
0 8.70%
1 10.43%
2 9.57%
3 8.70%
4 9.57%
5 6.09%
6 6.52%
7 3.48%
8 5.22%
9 5.65%
10 2.61%
11 4.78%
12 3.91%
13 1.74%
14 1.74%
15 2.17%
16 2.61%
17 1.30%
18 0.87%
19 0.87%
20 1.30%
21 0.43%
22 0.43%
23 0.43%
24 0.43%
28 0.43%

Survey Responses by Total Number of Mainline Certifications

The results of this question were inferred from responses to:

Survey Responses by Total Number of Mainline Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
0 10.43%
1 37.39%
2 17.39%
3 13.48%
4 8.26%
5 3.04%
6 4.78%
7 1.30%
8 2.17%
9 0.87%
10 0.43%
12 0.43%

Survey Responses by Total Number of Micro-Certifications

The results of this question were inferred from responses to:

Survey Responses by Total Number of Micro-Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
0 30.00%
1 9.13%
2 8.70%
3 7.83%
4 9.13%
5 4.35%
6 4.35%
7 5.22%
8 4.78%
9 3.04%
10 3.91%
11 3.04%
12 2.17%
13 1.30%
14 0.87%
15 2.17%

Survey Responses by Total Number of CIS Certifications

The results of this question were inferred from responses to:

Survey Responses by Total Number of CIS Certifications
Response Percent of Respondents
0 54.35%
1 17.83%
2 10.43%
3 7.83%
4 3.48%
5 3.04%
6 1.74%
8 0.87%
10 0.43%

What is your current employment status?

Survey Responses by Employment Status
Response Percent of Respondents
Permanent - Full Time 93.04%
Freelance / Contractor 4.35%
Permanent - Part Time 1.74%
Unemployed 0.87%

Which of the following best describes your current job role?

Survey Responses by Current Job Role
Response Percent of Respondents
ServiceNow Developer/Programmer 50.43%
Solutions Architect 12.61%
Technical Architect 12.17%
ServiceNow Administrator 8.26%
Manager 3.04%
Business Analyst 2.61%
Project Manager 2.17%
Technical Analyst 2.17%
Director 1.74%
Engagement Manager 0.87%
Pre-Sales Consultant 0.87%
Executive 0.43%
All of the above 0.43%
Practice Lead 0.43%
Reporting/PA Admin 0.43%
Process Owner 0.43%
Fullstack Developer 0.43%
CTO 0.43%

Which of the following best describes your job level?

Survey Responses by Current Job Level
Response Percent of Respondents
1 - Entry level 4.78%
2 - Intermediate or experienced level 41.74%
3 - Senior experienced level 37.39%
4 - First-level management 3.48%
5 - Middle-level management 7.83%
6 - Senior, executive or top-level management 3.48%
Prefer not to disclose 1.30%

What percent of the time do you typically spend working remotely (before the COVID-19 Pandemic)?

Survey Responses by Percent Remote Work
Response Percent of Respondents
0 15.22%
2 0.87%
4 0.43%
5 3.48%
6 0.43%
8 1.30%
9 1.74%
10 5.65%
13 0.43%
15 0.43%
20 12.17%
30 3.48%
33 0.43%
35 0.87%
40 4.35%
50 4.35%
60 2.61%
70 1.74%
75 0.43%
80 3.04%
90 2.61%
95 0.87%
98 0.43%
99 0.43%
100 30.43%
Prefer not to disclose 1.74%

How many hours do you work in a typical work day?

Survey Responses by Percent Remote Work
Response Percent of Respondents
0 0.43%
5 0.87%
6 3.04%
7 3.48%
8 33.91%
9 26.09%
10 20.43%
11 1.74%
12 2.17%
14 0.43%
16 0.43%
Prefer not to disclose 6.96%

For each of the following skills, please select the highest frequency at which you typically use the skill on the job.

Survey Responses by Skill Frequency of Use - Miscellaneous
Teamwork Drive and enthusiasm Flexibility / Adaptability Communication and Presentation Skills Project Management Change Management Multi-Lingual
Daily 82.61% 78.26% 74.78% 73.04% 33.48% 18.70% 30.43%
Weekly 11.30% 10.43% 15.22% 19.13% 28.70% 33.48% 3.91%
Monthly 2.61% 4.35% 3.04% 2.61% 13.04% 22.61% 1.74%
Quarterly 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% 1.74% 2.61% 4.35% 0.87%
Yearly 0.00% 0.00% 1.30% 0.00% 1.30% 0.00% 2.17%
Less Than Yearly 0.00% 0.87% 0.43% 0.43% 2.61% 5.22% 20.87%
Prefer not to disclose 3.04% 5.65% 4.78% 3.04% 18.26% 15.65% 40.00%
Survey Responses by Skill Frequency of Use - Sales and Marketing
Product Demo Sales Lead Generation / Marketing
Daily 3.04% 6.52% 4.78%
Weekly 24.78% 5.65% 3.48%
Monthly 30.87% 10.87% 10.87%
Quarterly 13.48% 8.70% 4.78%
Yearly 2.61% 4.78% 3.48%
Less Than Yearly 3.04% 16.52% 19.13%
Prefer not to disclose 22.17% 46.96% 53.48%
Survey Responses by Skill Frequency of Use - Architectural Design
Documentation Service Catalog Design Process Design Architectural Design
Daily 18.70% 14.78% 10.43% 14.78%
Weekly 35.22% 27.83% 28.26% 28.26%
Monthly 23.91% 23.04% 22.61% 17.39%
Quarterly 7.83% 6.52% 13.48% 9.57%
Yearly 0.87% 5.65% 2.17% 2.17%
Less Than Yearly 0.43% 6.09% 2.17% 2.61%
Prefer not to disclose 13.04% 16.09% 20.87% 25.22%
Survey Responses by Skill Frequency of Use - Development
Javascript Client Script Development UI Policy Configuration Business Rule Development HTML Service Catalog Configuration CSS Front End Development Integration Development (REST / SOAP / JDBC / etc) Scripted REST API Development Workspaces Configuration Other Programming Languages (Java, Python, Perl, etc) Jelly
Daily 62.17% 38.26% 37.83% 33.91% 24.35% 19.57% 19.13% 16.09% 8.26% 6.52% 8.70% 4.78% 3.48%
Weekly 13.91% 33.48% 31.74% 34.35% 21.30% 28.26% 18.26% 18.70% 25.65% 13.48% 13.04% 6.96% 5.65%
Monthly 8.26% 11.30% 12.17% 13.48% 23.48% 19.13% 23.48% 16.96% 24.78% 28.70% 11.74% 13.91% 16.96%
Quarterly 2.17% 2.17% 2.61% 2.61% 4.78% 9.57% 6.96% 7.83% 13.91% 18.70% 11.74% 9.13% 16.09%
Yearly 1.30% 1.74% 2.17% 2.17% 3.04% 3.91% 5.22% 5.65% 4.35% 4.78% 3.48% 7.39% 9.57%
Less Than Yearly 1.74% 3.48% 3.04% 2.61% 6.52% 5.65% 7.39% 9.57% 6.09% 7.83% 16.52% 17.83% 15.22%
Prefer not to disclose 10.43% 9.57% 10.43% 10.87% 16.52% 13.91% 19.57% 25.22% 16.96% 20.00% 34.78% 40.00% 33.04%
Survey Responses by Product Frequency of Use - Applications
IT Service Management Custom Applications IT Operations Management IT Business Management Customer Service Management Software Asset Management HR Service Delivery Security Operations Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Daily 67.83% 23.04% 23.04% 16.96% 12.17% 7.83% 9.13% 3.91% 3.04%
Weekly 16.52% 17.39% 17.39% 12.17% 7.83% 8.26% 5.22% 6.09% 6.52%
Monthly 4.35% 14.35% 13.04% 14.35% 10.00% 8.70% 5.22% 5.22% 5.22%
Quarterly 4.35% 9.57% 6.96% 6.96% 7.83% 6.96% 8.70% 8.70% 8.70%
Yearly 1.30% 3.91% 2.61% 3.04% 2.61% 3.48% 3.48% 3.04% 3.04%
Less Than Yearly 0.87% 2.61% 7.83% 8.26% 10.00% 15.22% 17.39% 20.00% 19.13%
Prefer not to disclose 4.78% 29.13% 29.13% 38.26% 49.57% 49.57% 50.87% 53.04% 54.35%
Survey Responses by Product Frequency of Use - Capabilities
Service Catalog Workflow Editor Service Portal / UX / Front End Flow Designer Performance Analytics Automated Test Framework Integration Hub Virtual Agent Now Mobile Predictive Intelligence
Daily 36.09% 28.26% 24.78% 10.43% 6.96% 7.39% 6.09% 6.09% 3.48% 2.61%
Weekly 28.26% 26.09% 20.00% 15.22% 11.30% 10.87% 7.83% 3.48% 6.96% 2.61%
Monthly 13.48% 16.52% 15.65% 16.52% 15.65% 14.78% 10.43% 10.87% 11.74% 5.22%
Quarterly 2.61% 3.91% 6.96% 6.09% 9.57% 10.87% 9.13% 10.87% 12.61% 5.65%
Yearly 3.48% 3.48% 1.30% 3.48% 5.65% 6.52% 4.35% 4.35% 2.17% 3.48%
Less Than Yearly 1.74% 3.48% 5.22% 10.87% 10.43% 10.43% 13.48% 14.78% 15.22% 20.43%
Prefer not to disclose 14.35% 18.26% 26.09% 37.39% 40.43% 39.13% 48.70% 49.57% 47.83% 60.00%

Please rate the degree to which you agree with the following statements

Survey Responses for Statement Agreement
I contribute directly to maintaining and improving quality of my organization’s product or service I contribute directly to generating revenue for my current organization I contribute directly to reducing operational costs for my current organization My organization would be negatively impacted if I left My organization would find it challenging to replace me if I left
5 - Strongly Agree 54.35% 45.22% 40.87% 32.61% 29.13%
4 - Agree 36.09% 24.78% 32.61% 27.83% 29.57%
3 - Neutral 4.35% 14.35% 15.22% 23.04% 21.30%
2 - Disagree 1.30% 5.65% 2.61% 8.26% 8.70%
1 - Strongly Disagree 0.43% 6.09% 2.61% 3.04% 6.09%
Prefer not to disclose 3.48% 3.91% 6.09% 5.22% 5.22%

Please rate the degree to which you are satisfied with the following

Survey Responses for Satisfaction With Each Category
Your current employer Your current role Your future career prospects Your current pay / compensation
5 - Very Satisfied 25.65% 23.48% 26.52% 16.09%
4 - Satisfied 43.91% 45.65% 36.09% 36.96%
3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 18.26% 20.43% 24.35% 17.39%
2 - Dissatisfied 9.57% 6.09% 9.13% 20.00%
1 - Very Dissatisfied 0.87% 2.17% 1.30% 7.83%
Prefer not to disclose 1.74% 2.17% 2.61% 1.74%

Are you currently paid Salary or Hourly?

Survey Responses by Salary or Hourly
Response Percent of Respondents
Salary 93.48%
Hourly 6.09%
Prefer not to disclose 0.43%