Purpose: How to convert a GlideRecord set to a Javascript Object or JSON Object

Use: Use this script in a Server Script. Typically this will be used in Scripted REST Endpoint, Service Portal Widget’s Server Script, or GlideAjax Script Include. Depending on the specific place used, conversion from a Javascript Object to a JSON string may be automatic.

This technique can output either an array or an object / map depending on the intended goal. An array is useful when maintaining sort order from GlideRecord is important without additional processing. An object is useful when quick lookups by sys_id or other key is important.

Array of Records

// This example will build an array of incidents
// An array is useful for maintaining Sort order
// But struggles with by key lookups
function getIncidents() {
    var output = [];
    var tableName = 'incident';
    var incident = new GlideRecord(tableName);

    while (incident.next()) {
            'sys_id': { 
                'value': incident.getValue('sys_id'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('sys_id') 
            'number': {
                'value': incident.getValue('number'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('number') 
            'short_description': {
                'value': incident.getValue('short_description'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('short_description') 

// Service Portal example use case
data.incidents = getIncidents();

Map of Records

// This example will build an array of incidents
// An array is useful for fast key lookups
// But needs additional processing to maintain sort order
function getIncidents() {
    var output = {};
    var tableName = 'incident';
    var incident = new GlideRecord(tableName);

    while (incident.next()) {
        output[incident.getValue('sys_id')] = {
            'sys_id': { 
                'value': incident.getValue('sys_id'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('sys_id') 
            'number': {
                'value': incident.getValue('number'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('number') 
            'short_description': {
                'value': incident.getValue('short_description'), 
                'displayValue': incident.getDisplayValue('short_description') 

// Service Portal example use case
data.incidents = getIncidents();